K-12 Social Worker/School Counselors ~ Bridging the Gap: Understanding & Collaborating Across Generations

St. Clair ROE
This workshop is FREE thanks to the IL Masonic Foundation. CEU's will be issued.  In today's diverse work environment, multiple generations work side-by-side, each bringing unique strengths, values, and perspectives to the workplace. This workshop aims to bridge generational gaps, enhance mutual understanding, and foster a more cohesive and productive work environment. Participants will explore the characteristics and motivations of different generations, learn strategies for effective communication and collaboration, and develop practical skills to leverage generational diversity. Registration closes 4-5 days prior to the event.
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AA #1374 Depression and Suicide: Implementing a Social & Emotional System of Support

St. Clair ROE
PDC $50.00 Non PDC $75.00 (Lunch is provided on site) Suicide is a serious and growing problem among children and adolescents. Each year, thousands of young people commit suicide. The majority of children and adolescents who attempt suicide have a significant mental health disorder, usually depression. Depression and suicidal feelings are treatable mental disorders. Teachers and administrators should always err on the side of caution and safety. Come join us to learn more about suicide and depression, ways to identify it, how to help, and develop a plan to help guide your students and staff through depression, suicide, and SEL. Administrators attending this event can earn pd hours OR academy credit. Note other related service personnel can attend for pd hours or ceu hours.  Application/dissemination must be completed and completed and submitted upon the conclusion of the academy. Registration closes 4-5 days prior to the event.
Get Tickets Free 33 tickets left

Designing Targeted Reading Interventions (K-12)

St. Clair ROE
This free session is provided by the IL SLDS. Are you stuck on what to do with your universal screening data? Unsure of what skills to target during intervention sessions? Struggling on how to provide interventions that address foundational reading skills? This session is for you. Participants will learn how to collect diagnostic data on foundational reading skills. you will learn how to use the data to design and implement intervention sessions grounded in the science of reading.  Participants will leave with assessment resources, an intervention plan to address students’ individual needs and tools for implementing your intervention plans.  This session is designed for special educators, reading interventionists, reading coaches, RtI coordinators, and general educators working with at-risk students for a reading disability or identified as needing assistance with foundational reading skills. Registration will close 4-5 days prior to the event date unless tickets are sold out.
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Intermediate Co-Teaching Strategies for Classrooms: Implementing Specially Designed Instruction

St. Clair ROE
This workshop is free thanks to the IL SLDS.  In this intermediate level co-teaching course, special educators and general educators who have prior understanding of the six models of co-teaching and their application should attend.  Participants will develop proficiency in teaching strategies that cater to the entire class while addressing the specific needs of students with learning disabilities through specially designed instruction.  Registration closes 4-5 days prior to the event unless ticket sales are sold out.
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K-12 Instructional Coach Symposium

St. Clair ROE
This event is free thanks to an SEL Grant.  Join Dr. Catherine Daus, SIUE Professor and Program Director, in this session titled, 'Stress & Coping with Workplace Attitudes'. As Instructional Coaches many times you are the frontline person that intercepts various workplace drama or complaints.  Your jobs can be stressful; however, your role often serves as a way to ease the stress of those you support.  This session will cover the basics of stress response and its role in the workplace along with identifying stressors.  Additionally, we will examine the importance of workplace attitudes, including job satisfaction/morale, organizational commitment and work engagement. We will cover several healthy coping strategies which can be easily implemented with work life. Prior to this session you will be asked to fill out a few self-report measures regarding workplace personality and workplace stressors which will be used as a part for reflection. While this session is geared towards Instructional Coaches, all are welcome to anyone attend. Registration closes 4-5 days prior to this event.
Get Tickets Free 38 tickets left

Attributes of Dyscalculia/Fact Fluency K-23 (Virtual)

This free virtual event is thanks to the IL SLDS Project.  Basic attributes of students at all ages with specific learning disabilities in math will be addressed.  The presentation will include brief ideas to help with the screening process for at risk students. Selecting specific strategies that can help these students access math will be discussed. A virtual link will be sent prior to the event. Registration will close 4-5 days prior to the event.
Get Tickets Free 35 tickets left

K-12 Social Worker/School Counselor Symposium

St. Clair ROE
This event is free thanks to an SEL Grant.  Join Dr. Catherine Daus, SIUE Professor and Program Director, in this session titled, 'Stress & Coping with Workplace Attitudes'. As School Social Workers and Counselors many times you are the frontline person that intercepts various workplace drama or complaints.  Your jobs can be stressful; however, your role often serves as a way to ease the stress of those you support.  This session will cover the basics of stress response and its role in the workplace along with identifying stressors.  Additionally, we will examine the importance of workplace attitudes, including job satisfaction/morale, organizational commitment and work engagement. We will cover several healthy coping strategies which can be easily implemented with work life. Prior to this session you will be asked to fill out a few self-report measures regarding workplace personality and workplace stressors which will be used as a part for reflection. While this session is geared towards School Social Workers & Counselors, all are welcome to anyone attend. Registration closes 4-5 days prior to this event, CEU's are available.
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AA # 1448 Teacher Evaluation Retraining (Domains 2 & 3)

St. Clair ROE
PD Co-op member districts $185.00, Non PD Co-op Districts $200.00 (lunch included on site) Administrators who evaluate teachers must demonstrate a high rate of inter-rater reliability and communicate evaluation outcomes in constructive and supportive ways. Administrators who evaluate teachers must also recognize and control for bias when conducting an evaluation and determining results. School districts in Illinois must provide professional development to administrators to strengthen these skills on a sustained basis. This course focuses on Domains 2 and 3 of the Charlotte Danielson 2013 Framework for Teaching. This course requires participants to view teaching, record data according to the Professional Practice rubric, and craft evaluation conferences that are both constructive and supportive. Participants will also be expected to have a high degree of inter-rater reliability when they determine a final rating based on the evidence gathered during the observations. Attendees will need to bring a fully charged device to this academy.  The application/dissemination must be submitted prior to departure on 4.7.25. Registration closes 4-5 days prior to the event unless tickets are sold out. Cancellations must be made 48 hours in advance, or the event is non-refundable.
Get Tickets $185.00 – $200.00 53 tickets left

Novice Teacher Academy: Effective K-12 Body Language and Communication

St. Clair ROE
Thanks to the Illinois Masonic Foundation this workshop is free.  You only have 30 seconds to make a first impression! Communication in and out of the classroom and school setting is important in order for students to learn effectively. Positive body language in a classroom setting also has the ability to motivate, inspire and engage. It can not only give you the confidence you need to teach but can also reassure your students that you actually know what you’re talking about. Whether you are working in the classroom or in the office, whether you are in years 1-5 or beyond, this training will provide you with excellent ways to engage your students and co-workers in a dynamic way. Registration closes 4-5 days prior to the event.
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Creating the Write Path: Strategies for Supporting Emergent Writers (K-2) (Virtual)

This virtual session is free thanks to the Illinois SLD Project. Throughout this session, K-2 educators will be equipped with essential strategies for fostering the growth and development of emergent writers in early childhood settings.  Participants will explore evidence-based approaches to nurturing writing skills, from pre-writing activities to guided writing techniques. Through interactive discussions and practical examples, attendees will gain insights into building a supportive writing environment and scaffolding instruction to meet the diverse needs of young learners throughout multiple stages of writing development.  A virtual link will be sent prior to the event date. Registration closes 4-5 days prior to the event unless tickets are sold out.
Get Tickets Free 39 tickets left