What is D.E.U.C.E.S.?
D.E.U.C.E.S. is the St. Clair County ROE #50’s referral and informational hub for high school dropouts.
What is a dropout?
A “dropout” is defined as any child enrolled in grades 9 thorough 12 whose name has been removed from the district enrollment roster for any reason other than the student’s death, extended illness, removal for medical non-compliance, expulsion, aging-out, graduation, or completion of a program and who has not transferred to another public or private school and is not known to be homeschooled by his or her parents or guardians or continuing school in another country.
What is the purpose of D.E.U.C.E.S.?
D.E.U.C.E.S. mission is to connect high school dropouts dwelling in St. Clair County to homeless, mentoring, health, child care, legal assistance, housing, education, employment, and career resources that will assist them in establishing a secure and self-sufficient lifestyle.
What is the age range?
D.E.U.C.E.S. will serve any youth who desires services who was enrolled in grades 9 through 12 and has been removed from their former school’s roster. This includes those that have been expelled or aged out.
If I choose not to go to school and I am under the age of 16 years of age will I automatically be served through D.E.U.C.E.S.?
How does a dropout gain access to this information hub called D.E.U.C.E.S.?
There are four ways:
Who’s involved with D.E.U.C.E.S?
Various agencies and institutions in St. Clair County who offer services in the areas of housing, childcare, legal assistance, mental health, healthcare, education, and employment.
How is the information distributed to me?
Information can be obtained by visiting the Regional Office of Education at 1000 South Illinois Street in Belleville or visiting the ROE website at sccroe50.org. Quarterly, the ROE will host informational workshops for interested individuals to meet with service providers. Dates of the workshop will be announced publicly and also loaded on the website.
Will these services be tailored to my needs?
Yes. Your referral services will be based on an assessment of your personal needs and goals. Your participation is strictly voluntary, BUT it is mandatory that you assume responsibility in attending scheduled appointments and working cooperatively with the service providers.
Will someone help me with those things that I don’t understand?
Absolutely. All of the service providers have case managers or support staff that can assist you in navigating the various resources that are available through their organization to assist you in meeting your needs.
Do I have to register?
Interested parties can call 618-825-3991 to schedule an appointment or visit the ROE for more information. Its is preferred that individuals register in advance for scheduled informational workshops, but walk-ins will be served.
I don’t have transportation to an informational workshop?
Information about our various service providers can be forwarded to you by mail, but for direct and immediate assistance, it is in your best interest to attend one of our informational sessions. Call the Regional Office of Education at 618-825-3902 for information about obtaining a bus pass.
Will this program cost?
No, it is FREE!
Can I bring a friend?
What if I am unhappy with the services that I received from a service provider?
Contact D.E.U.C.E.S. at 618-825-3902 so that we can assist you in addressing your concerns.
8 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. Monday-Friday
Phone: (618) 825-3900