Due to inclement weather the ROE will be closed on Monday, January 6, 2025. The Regional Board of Trustees Meeting has also been cancelled.

Lori Costello,
Regional Superintendent

Due to the forecast of inclimate weather, our office will be closed Wednesday, January 25, 2023.

Lori Costello,
Regional Superintendent

Dial direct to an ROE staff member: 825-#### (the 4 digit extension numbers shown below).
Graham, MadelineBirth to Five3906 Herling, StephanieBirth to Five3929
Abbott, JaymeAdministration3944 Washington-Brazier, RoschelleTruancy3903
Cipfl, JoeComputer Science Development3918 Clark, JanelleFinance3958
Cooper, DinniaSTARNET3968 Crowl, BlakeMaintenance3974
Dietz, TerriSTARNET3966 Costello, LoriAdministration3935
Swaim, AmandaESL3960 Eichenlaub, MarkHealth Life Safety3946
Hasenstab, CourtneyFinance3936 Henry, DeniseSTARNET3970
Walker, WasimTruancy3950 Ra-El, GegiMaraProfessional Development3916
West, KellyProfessional Development3990 Thrift, AprilFront Office3904
Kraus, SheriSTARNET3969 Atkins, LisaMental Health/SIS3991
Wilkins, JoshESL3959 Bickel, RichAdministration3915
Pierpoint, JoleneTechnology3924 McColpin, AdelaFinance3938
Housley, Janel;Front Office3902 Deberry, JohnieshaTruancy3973
Stoner, ChristaHomeless/ARP3913 Hahn, NoelleTruancy3911
Obernuefemann, LoriFinance3941 Yount, KateSTARNET3955
Goode, ReganFinance3910