Website Cahokia Unit School District #187
A. Master’s Degree in Social Work
B. Type 73 Certificate
A. Excellent clinical skills including assessment, counseling, etc.
B. Excellent interpersonal skills
C. Excellent written and oral communication skills
D. Knowledge of resources within the school system and the community
D. Knowledge of testing and evaluation processes within the school setting
The school social worker is responsible to the Director of Special Education
Exercise a high degree of initiative and professional judgment in providing school
social worker services while working within the established framework of the federal and
state regulations and local school district policies.
A. Participate in data analysis, including MTSS and case study evaluation
B. Conduct Social Developmental Studies and serve on IEP teams
C. Serve as Secondary PBIS Coach
D. Write reports and maintain records
E. Provide direct services to individual students and student groups
F. Make referrals to other agencies and serve as liaison to community
G. Provide expertise for crisis intervention and emergency situations
H. Provide consultation to other school personnel including teachers, principals,
counselors, nurses, and psychologists
I. Provide classroom prevention and intervention services as appropriate
J. Assist in program development to meet student needs
K. Provide staff in-service training on relevant topics (i.e. mandated reporting; TOV;
trauma; other clinical and SEL topics)
L. Keep current regarding legislation and best practices
M. Represent the district at meetings of the Illinois Association of School Social
Workers as well as other professional organizations and committees
N. Supervise interns when interns are employed by school district
O. Other duties as assigned by the Director of Special Education or designee
Nine month year. Salary established by the board of education and based upon the
Master’s plus 32 column of the Teachers’ Salary Schedule.
Performance of this job will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the board
of education of the administrative district’s policy on Evaluation of Professional
Personnel. Currently scheduled twice a year for the first four years and then once every
other year thereafter.
To apply for this job email your details to pearcety@cusd187.org