Website Cahokia Unit School District #187
A. Master’s Degree in school psychology
B. Completion of a full-time one-year, supervised internship after completion of a
Master’s Degree program
C. Type 73 certificate
A. Ability to administer and interpret a variety of psychological tests
B. Knowledge of state and federal regulations regarding special education
C. Ability to develop individualized education programs and formulate behavioral
D. Sensitivity to the sometimes conflicting needs of students, parents, and school
E. Ability to establish rapport and work cooperatively with students, parents, and
school personnel
The school psychologist is responsible to the director of special education but
school psychology services are not limited to special education students.
All designated staff and students
Exercise a high degree of initiative and professional judgment in providing school
psychology services while working within the established framework of the federal and
state regulations and local school district policies.
A. Provide psychological evaluations on students referred to special education
B. Provide psychological re-evaluations on students presently placed in special
C. Write psychological reports
D. Implement and coordinate the case study evaluation process to insure the
orderly identification and referral of disabled students
E. Arrange and attend all special education multi-disciplinary conferences
F. Arrange transportation for students placed in self-contained classes after initial
multi-disciplinary conferences
G. At multi-disciplinary conferences: present information acquired as a result of
comprehensive case studies; interpret test results to parents and school
personnel; and assist in the development of individualized educational programs
and behavior intervention plans
H. Coordinate the work of the district=s consulting psychiatrist, audiologist, and
other contractual evaluators
I. Consult with parents and school personnel regarding behavioral and educational
J. Assist in the coordination of pre-school screening programs.
K. Provide in-service training to school personnel
To apply for this job email your details to pearcety@cusd187.org