Website Cahokia Unit School District #187
Cahokia Unit School District #187 is a PreK - Grade 12 district
A. State of IL Nursing License
B. BLS Certification
A. Proficient in communication skills with students, parents, and staff
B. Ability to demonstrate good judgments in decision-making
C. Ability to analyze problem situations and to develop appropriate action
A. IL Hearing & Vision Certification
B. Bachelor of Science in Nursing
The school health aide reports to the Certified School Nurse or his/her designee
All designated nurses and students
Exercise a high degree of initiative and professional judgment in providing school
nursing services while working within the established framework of the federal and state
regulations and also local school district policies. In addition, you will oversee the
operation of district nurses, and providing leadership and supervision for the health aid
Major Duties
1. Assist with development and implementation of health-related policies and
2. Coordinate all district health services and programs
3. Arrange for CPR recertification program for all nurses
4. Coordinate the in-service training for nurses
5. Coordinate the training for newly hired and substitute nurses
6. Coordinate the Blood Pathogens program
7. Schedule and conduct meetings with nursing staff
8. Order district-wide nursing supplies
9. Order supplies, materials and equipment
10. Consult with physicians as needed
11. Maintain the health services procedure manual, incorporating all new state
recommendations and mandates
12. Preform all duties of a school nurse
A. Certificate of Child Health
1. Annual review of all kindergarten, fifth grade, ninth grade, and special
education students’ health examinations and record necessary information
from the health examination to the child’s permanent cumulative folder
2. Review all new students’ health examinations entering the school district
3. Identify students in special education with no grade assignment who need
a physical examination as mandated by law
4. Complete necessary reports on physical examinations and file with the
Illinois State Board of Education
5. Identify students who are not in compliance with the requirements
prescribed in Section 122, 27-28.1 of the School Code of Illinois
6. Notify appropriate principals of the students’ immunity status
7. Compile immunity data on all students and report to the Illinois State
Board of Education
8. Record all immunizations on each students’ cumulative record
9. Maintain a list of students for each school who are not properly immunized
against the following diseases:
a. Measles e. Diphtheria
b. Rubella f. Tetanus
c. Mumps g. Pertussis
d. Polio
10. Monitor students’ progress with immunization schedule
11. Monitor and notify parents when boosters are needed
12. Enter students health records in skyward
13. Member of Concussion Team
14. School contact leader for the concussion team
15. Confirm all sports physicals are current.
16. Organize onsite health and sports physicals
17. Responsible for creating and maintaining school concussion procedures
18. Responsible for keeping office visit log
B. Assessment
1. Plans and carries out appraisal activities to assess the health status of
students in regard to their health needs and problems
2. Assesses health problems through observations, interviews, and analysis
of records
3. Acts as a liaison between school, student, parent, and physician regarding
the pupil health status when under a physician’s care
4. Informs the family of the need for periodic health examinations of their
children (both physical and dental), and assists in providing a
standardized method of recording these findings
5. Makes arrangements for and assists with physical examinations when
provided by the school
6. Supervises and plans for vision and hearing screening programs and
follow-up health care of the child suspected of a hearing or vision
7. Plans with parents for improving the health of school children and youth
8. Analyzes the nurses’ responsibilities in relation to the educational structure
and the relationship of the nurse to other faculty members and community
C. Health Counseling
1. Interprets the health and developmental status of the pupil to parents and
school personnel
2. Consults with parents, school personnel, and pupils toward understanding
their personal health problems and facilitates adjustment to any physical,
mental, and social limitation
3. Recommends educational adaptations as necessary for individual needs
4. Assists families to find and use available health resources
5. Encourages openness of communication with teachers and other school
personnel in order to meet both the health and educational needs of the
6. Coordinate dental programs
D. Health Education
1. Utilizes each opportunity in the process of providing health services to
present health information to students, teachers, parents, and community
2. Acts as consultant and resource person to the staff for the total health
education program
3. Compiles and maintains a file of current health education materials for
students and faculty
4. Assists classroom teachers to teach health more effectively by serving as
a consultant and participating in team teaching and classroom
5. Serves as a resource person in the areas of health to teachers and other
6. Responsible for training staff on School Health Procedures
E. Emergency Care and Health Protection
1. Cooperates with the school staff in establishing policies and procedures
for providing emergency care for illness and/or injury occurring while the
student is under the jurisdiction of the school
2. Provides for the implementation of medically approved emergency care
procedures, the instruction of school personnel, and plans for the reporting
of accidents
3. Assists in the periodic inspection of the school building and grounds for
the provision of a safe and healthful physical environment
4. Interprets defined policies and procedures to school personnel, parents,
and pupils to ensure adequate understanding and cooperation in carrying
out immunization procedures and programs for the prevention of
communicable diseases
5. Report any cases of child abuse or neglect to the proper authorities
6. Initiates accident reports for students and faculty on school related injuries
7. Monitor students on medical physical education
8. Mandated Reporter
F. School/Community Relations
1. Promotes effective communication among the community, health
professions, and the school
2. Works with community agencies for effective use of their resources and
3. When applicable, participates in local comprehensive health planning and
represents school health in his/her professional organization and
community groups
G. Evaluation
1. Analyzes school health records and reports in order to evaluate and
improve the school health program
2. Appraises the school health program in relation to pupil health needs and
community health problems
H. Faculty responsibility
1. Attends and participates in faculty, staff, and community meetings with
knowledge of the role and function of the school nurse in relation to public
school organization
2. Joins/participates in activities of professional nursing, health, and
educational organizations
3. Continues to pursue educational studies to maintain/improve professional
4. Upholds standards enunciated by the profession. This would include
standards in nursing, and the health and educational fields
5. Informs pupils and faculty regarding health career opportunities
6. Promotes legislation significant to nursing, school health and education
7. Consults and collaborates with teachers, pupil personnel services
I. Administrative
1. Alerts school administrators and others to legal provisions and health
trends as they pertain to school health policies and procedures
2. Supervises activities in compliance with recommended procedures for
the Prevention of Communicable Diseases designated by the Illinois
Department of Public Health
3. Informs administrators / other school personnel regarding available
community resources
4. Determines functions and qualifications of health paraprofessionals and
orients and supervises their performance
5. Participates in planning action to be taken or eliminating or minimizing the
health problems that interfere with effective learning
6. Order health supplies for attendance centers
9.5-month year
To apply for this job email your details to pearcety@cusd187.org