What Works? Effective Instructional Strategies to Build Elementary (K-5) Writers (Virtual)

This free virtual session is thanks to the IL SLDS Project.  The What Works Clearinghouse reviewed the research, so you don't have to!   This session will provide recommendations for teaching effective writing from a meta-study of evidence-based research.  Specific examples and strategies will be broken down in order to implement in your classroom the very next day!   A virtual link will be sent prior to the event date, registration will close 4-5 days prior to the event unless tickets are sold out.
Get Tickets Free 32 tickets left

The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness ~ Virtual Book Study

Registration closes on January 6, 2025. A virtual link will be sent prior to the meeting dates. Participants must attend all 4 sessions (no exceptions) and complete the requirements to earn the full 12 pd hours (partial pd hours will not be given)
    • January 14, 2025 (4:00-5:00 p.m.) 
      • Focus Areas:  Introductions and Technology
    • January 21, 2025 (4:00-5:00 p.m.)
      • Focus Area:  Play 
    • January 28, 2025 (4:00-5:00 p.m.)
      • Focus Area:  Independence
    • February 4, 2025 (4:00-5:00 p.m.)
      • Focus Area:  Overall and Action
Don’t walk but run to get your hands on the book everyone is talking about. Author and social psychologist, Jonathan Haidt, is challenging readers to consider how social media, phones, and a reduction in a “play-based childhood” has “rewired” our youth. Not only does Haidt make a case that parents can do better, but he argues schools can do better. Join St. Clare School Principal Monica Ybarra for four sessions where you will focus on Technology, Play, Independence, and how we can put ideas into action. Important: Participants must purchase the book (The Anxious Generation How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness by Jonathan Haidt) independently.... 10 copies will be raffled off free of charge (must be picked up at the ROE) prior to 2025.  The entire book must be read on or before January 13, 2025.  Book study facilitator, Monica Ybarra will provide questions prior to each session to ensure engaging conversations occur, but also, participants will leave each session with an action plan. Missing a session will result in a $35.00 no show invoice, please do not register unless you can attend all 4 virtual sessions.
Get Tickets Free – $125.00 28 tickets left

K-12 AP/Dean/Director/Supervisor Breakaway

St. Clair ROE
Happy New Year!  As we begin 2025, join your fellow assistant principals, deans, directors and supervisors in this breakaway topic: The Character Based Discipline Framework presented by Dr. Roxanna Mechem from Character Plus.
Humans are wired to be social. We learn and process through social interactions. Our character behaviors are heavily influenced by our prior experiences with others. Covid, social media usage, and other contemporary factors have changed the landscape of childhood. This session explores the neuroscience behind all human behavior and unpacks the essential elements that students need to be their best selves. Regardless of the discipline program you use, this session will enhance your practice by increasing your understanding of proactive research-based strategies. Participants will learn essential elements to consider for before, during, and after behavioral challenges in the classroom. We will discuss the importance of a character-based approach that maintains the dignity of each student while constantly working toward the long-term goal of self-directed, self-regulated, and responsible behavior.
 Upon the conclusion of this session time will be given to debrief and collaborate with fellow colleagues. Registration closes 4-5 days prior to the event unless tickets are sold out.
Get Tickets Free – $80.00 32 tickets left

K-12 Administrative Breakaway: Legal Update Panel

St. Clair ROE
As we navigate through the early months of 2025, administrators will continue to face situations that could result with the involvement of a school attorney.  IASA General Counsel Chad Watkins will facilitate a free legal update panel of local school attorneys, Shane Jones, Barney Mundorf, and Merry Rhoades. The panel will address new laws and developments impacting building level administrators. Who should attend? Superintendents/Central Office Administration, Building Principals, Assistant Principals, Dean of Students, Department Chairs and/or any related support personnel.  Registration will close 4-5 days prior to the event.
Get Tickets Free 42 tickets left

K-12 Social Worker/School Counselors ~ Bridging the Gap: Understanding & Collaborating Across Generations

St. Clair ROE
This workshop is FREE thanks to the IL Masonic Foundation. CEU's will be issued.  In today's diverse work environment, multiple generations work side-by-side, each bringing unique strengths, values, and perspectives to the workplace. This workshop aims to bridge generational gaps, enhance mutual understanding, and foster a more cohesive and productive work environment. Participants will explore the characteristics and motivations of different generations, learn strategies for effective communication and collaboration, and develop practical skills to leverage generational diversity. Registration closes 4-5 days prior to the event.
Get Tickets Free 40 tickets left

AA #1374 Depression and Suicide: Implementing a Social & Emotional System of Support

St. Clair ROE
PDC $50.00 Non PDC $75.00 (Lunch is provided on site) Suicide is a serious and growing problem among children and adolescents. Each year, thousands of young people commit suicide. The majority of children and adolescents who attempt suicide have a significant mental health disorder, usually depression. Depression and suicidal feelings are treatable mental disorders. Teachers and administrators should always err on the side of caution and safety. Come join us to learn more about suicide and depression, ways to identify it, how to help, and develop a plan to help guide your students and staff through depression, suicide, and SEL. Administrators attending this event can earn pd hours OR academy credit. Note other related service personnel can attend for pd hours or ceu hours.  Application/dissemination must be completed and completed and submitted upon the conclusion of the academy. Registration closes 4-5 days prior to the event.
Get Tickets Free 33 tickets left

Designing Targeted Reading Interventions (K-12)

St. Clair ROE
This free session is provided by the IL SLDS. Are you stuck on what to do with your universal screening data? Unsure of what skills to target during intervention sessions? Struggling on how to provide interventions that address foundational reading skills? This session is for you. Participants will learn how to collect diagnostic data on foundational reading skills. you will learn how to use the data to design and implement intervention sessions grounded in the science of reading.  Participants will leave with assessment resources, an intervention plan to address students’ individual needs and tools for implementing your intervention plans.  This session is designed for special educators, reading interventionists, reading coaches, RtI coordinators, and general educators working with at-risk students for a reading disability or identified as needing assistance with foundational reading skills. Registration will close 4-5 days prior to the event date unless tickets are sold out.
Get Tickets Free 29 tickets left

Intermediate Co-Teaching Strategies for Classrooms: Implementing Specially Designed Instruction

St. Clair ROE
This workshop is free thanks to the IL SLDS.  In this intermediate level co-teaching course, special educators and general educators who have prior understanding of the six models of co-teaching and their application should attend.  Participants will develop proficiency in teaching strategies that cater to the entire class while addressing the specific needs of students with learning disabilities through specially designed instruction.  Registration closes 4-5 days prior to the event unless ticket sales are sold out.
Get Tickets Free 40 tickets left

K-12 Instructional Coach Symposium

St. Clair ROE
This event is free thanks to an SEL Grant.  Join Dr. Catherine Daus, SIUE Professor and Program Director, in this session titled, 'Stress & Coping with Workplace Attitudes'. As Instructional Coaches many times you are the frontline person that intercepts various workplace drama or complaints.  Your jobs can be stressful; however, your role often serves as a way to ease the stress of those you support.  This session will cover the basics of stress response and its role in the workplace along with identifying stressors.  Additionally, we will examine the importance of workplace attitudes, including job satisfaction/morale, organizational commitment and work engagement. We will cover several healthy coping strategies which can be easily implemented with work life. Prior to this session you will be asked to fill out a few self-report measures regarding workplace personality and workplace stressors which will be used as a part for reflection. While this session is geared towards Instructional Coaches, all are welcome to anyone attend. Registration closes 4-5 days prior to this event.
Get Tickets Free 33 tickets left

K-12 Administrator Breakaway: What is a Learning Walk?

St. Clair ROE

Join Mascoutah # 19 administrative team to explore how they successfully implemented effective Learning Walks into classrooms. Discover the purpose and goals behind Learning Walks, designed to enhance instructional practices and foster collaborative learning environments.

We will cover essential guidelines for purpose, planning and preparation, including selecting focus areas, scheduling, and best practices for conducting walks. Additionally, we’ll share techniques for data collection and analysis to identify trends or areas for improvement, as well as strategies for providing meaningful feedback and facilitating reflective discussions after each visit.

Participants will gain actionable insights to support professional growth and improve student outcomes, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement Learning Walks in their own schools.

Get Tickets Free 30 tickets left