Lori Costello,
Regional Superintendent

Due to the forecast of inclimate weather, our office will be closed Wednesday, January 25, 2023.

Lori Costello,
Regional Superintendent

New Principal Mentoring Program

The New Principal Mentoring Program (NPMP) is designed with a multi-faceted approach to equip new principals with the tools and support to succeed.  The program components are:

  • Robust, embedded professional development, offered virtually, with seasoned principal and presenter, Dr. Lionel Allen.
  • A full year of personalized one-on-one mentorship with veteran, well-trained, academic leaders.
  • Data utilization and action plan implementation
  • Cross-district collaboration/networking opportunities

Time commitment: Approximately 30 hours

Bio of Dr. Lionel Allen, Jr.: 

In addition to his work as founder of Ed Leaders Matter, Dr. Lionel Allen Jr., is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Educational Policy Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), where he teaches a signature pedagogy course on cycles of inquiry and co-leads the full year residency course for aspiring school leaders.  Dr. Allen has over twenty years of experience as a teacher, assistant principal, principal, and chief academic officer.  He is an education reform consultant, leadership coach, and frequently invited motivational speaker.  In 2005, Arne Duncan, former CPS, CEO, selected Dr. Allen to become the first turnaround principal in Illinois.  Under his leadership, the Sherman School of Excellence went from the second-worst performing school in Illinois to become a national model and a catalyst for future turnaround efforts across the country.  Dr. Allen received his baccalaureate degree from Northwestern University and his master’s and doctoral degrees from University of Illinois at Chicago.