Spring Clean Your Classroom – Realistic Strategies to Get 6-12 Students Off Screens (Virtual)

This event is FREE thanks to an SEL Grant.

Join Freeburg Community High School # 77 English teacher Erin Asher and Psychology teacher and Erin Shook as they present this timely virtual session as we near the end of the school year.  Let’s give your 6-12 classrooms a spring refresh with strategies that not only reduce screen time but also get students chatting, collaborating, and engaging in meaningful ways! This session will be full of creative, fun ideas you can easily implement to transform your classroom into a buzz of collaboration, and creativity.  Registration closes 4-5 days prior to the event date. A virtual link will be sent out prior to March 19, 2025.

Get Tickets Free 23 tickets left

Tiny Tweaks, Big BOOM!

Join Dr. Tom Webb on Tuesday, March 25th, from 3:30-5:00 for a FREE transformative virtual session, "Tiny Tweaks, Big BOOM!", designed for K-12 educators, paras, related support personnel, administrators, etc. seeking significant improvements through manageable changes. In this interactive session, you'll learn to pinpoint problem areas in your school or classroom, articulate clear goals, and establish daily actions that form the backbone of sustainable improvement. Instead of focusing solely on outcomes, we'll craft organized, sustainable systems to transform these tiny tweaks into major impacts over time. Discover how consistent, small adjustments can lead to the big, explosive results you aim for! Registration closes 4-5 days prior to the event date. A virtual link will be sent prior to March 25.

Get Tickets Free 20 tickets left

Chronic Attendance in K-12 Schools

Join Dr. Tom Webb on Tuesday, April 1st, from 3:30-5:00  for a FREE virtual session titled "Chronic Attendance," tailored for school administrators, team leaders, counselors, social workers, and deans. As educators, we understand the crucial need for students to be present in school to facilitate learning. Yet, chronic absenteeism continues to be a significant challenge, as evidenced by the FY 24 Chronic Absenteeism rate in the State of Illinois, where 26.3% of students missed more than 10% of the year. In this insightful session, we will explore why traditional incentives and rewards programs show limited effectiveness in improving attendance rates. We will dive into three critical variables that, when strategically implemented, not only motivate students to attend school but also to actively participate in their education. Participants will have the opportunity to evaluate their current attendance protocols and gain valuable tips and tricks to revise and enhance these systems for FY 26. Registration closes 4-5 days prior to this event, a link will be sent prior to April 1.
Get Tickets Free 36 tickets left

Soaring Balloons & Heavy Shackles Virtual Book Study ~ Turning K-12 Trauma Research into Practice with Heidy LaFleur

Join Heidy LaFleur for a free 4-week virtual book study. Participants must purchase the book Soaring Balloons & Heavy Shackles by Heidy LaFleur independently (however the ROE will be raffling off 7 copies to registered attendees). For this specific event, cancellations must be made no later than Wednesday, March 26, 2025 or a $35.00 invoice will be sent. Participants must attend the full duration of all 4 sessions (April 1, April 8, April 15, April 22 4:00-5:00pm) , do not register if you cannot attend all 4 sessions. Additionally, educators must participate and complete all requirements to earn the full 12 PD credit hours (no partial hours will be issued). See the outline of the virtual book study below:
  1. April 1 - Reacting vs. Responding to Behavior (pgs. 28-94) In our trauma-filled world, our kids want to be seen, heard, validated and understood as they communicate with us through behavior. Allowing our kids to have a voice produces desired behavior. When we shut it down, undesired behavior is the outcome…60 seconds is the difference. Using the The Social Emotional Alphabet, leave knowing that Acknowledgement must come before Accusation, Behavior is a Bonfire, Compassion comes before Curriculum, kids need a Hexagon of Hope & together, we must Practice Perspective.
  2. April 8 - Consequence vs. Punishment Mindset (pgs. 95-158) Behavior is an attempt to communicate. Our response back is communication as well. If we want to change behavior, we model, teach and help students grow their coping skills for life; we consequence. If we want to feel instant gratification that the child “needs to pay” for his/her/their actions; we punish. Learn the difference between consequence mindset and punishment mindset and realize people become defiant for a reason. Together, realize there’s a difference between Defiant & Deficient students, we must Empower over Ego,  give Feedback with Feeling, provide Golden Greetings, honor one's Journey without Judgement, be Open to Opposition & Value Vulnerability.
  3. Keep Them in Class: Defining Unsafe Behavior (pgs. 159-210) Regulating oneself is the first step to de-escalating behavior & building relationships with OUR kids. Often, safe behavior can be annoying, but should not warrant a student being removed from class. We will define safe vs. unsafe behavior, discuss what to say and do when students communicate through undesired behavior & “be a VERB” in order to problem solve. Be sure to show Interest before Instruction, realize the power in siLent Listening, give Kindness to every Kid, Nevertheless Negotiate to keep kids in class, know this is a very Meaningful Mission & use Questions to Quiet and calm.
  4. Those Kids (pgs. 211-283)As educators, we have no control over how OUR kids come, where they come from, and how much guidance and love they’ve received in their lives. Navigate parts of my book, THOSE KIDS are OUR kids with me as I break down the trauma cycle and share behavior brain research to guide us, as educators, to make EVERY day the BEST day for EVERY child.Be sure to acknowledge Relationships before Rigor, be human by being Sorry, so Sorry, Tell Them your story, Wonder What happened to them, be eXtra fleXible in all you do, know they’ll get there if you practice Yes to Yet and believe Zilch Zero tolerance models equity over equality.
Get Tickets Free 19 tickets left

AA # 1448 Teacher Evaluation Retraining (Domains 2 & 3)

St. Clair ROE IL
PD Co-op member districts $185.00, Non PD Co-op Districts $200.00 (lunch included on site) Administrators who evaluate teachers must demonstrate a high rate of inter-rater reliability and communicate evaluation outcomes in constructive and supportive ways. Administrators who evaluate teachers must also recognize and control for bias when conducting an evaluation and determining results. School districts in Illinois must provide professional development to administrators to strengthen these skills on a sustained basis. This course focuses on Domains 2 and 3 of the Charlotte Danielson 2013 Framework for Teaching. This course requires participants to view teaching, record data according to the Professional Practice rubric, and craft evaluation conferences that are both constructive and supportive. Participants will also be expected to have a high degree of inter-rater reliability when they determine a final rating based on the evidence gathered during the observations. Attendees will need to bring a fully charged device to this academy.  The application/dissemination must be submitted prior to departure on 4.7.25. Registration closes 4-5 days prior to the event unless tickets are sold out. Cancellations must be made 48 hours in advance, or the event is non-refundable.
Get Tickets $185.00 – $200.00 18 tickets left

Novice Teacher Academy: Effective K-12 Body Language and Communication

St. Clair ROE IL
Thanks to the Illinois Masonic Foundation this workshop is free.  You only have 30 seconds to make a first impression! Communication in and out of the classroom and school setting is important in order for students to learn effectively. Positive body language in a classroom setting also has the ability to motivate, inspire and engage. It can not only give you the confidence you need to teach but can also reassure your students that you actually know what you’re talking about. Whether you are working in the classroom or in the office, whether you are in years 1-5 or beyond, this training will provide you with excellent ways to engage your students and co-workers in a dynamic way. Registration closes 4-5 days prior to the event.
Get Tickets Free 32 tickets left

At the Table – Spring Event: Women in Leadership

The Weingarten 1780 East IL-15, Belleville, IL
For the first time since 2022 we have a unique opportunity to host a single spring 'At the Table' event.  Join your fellow women leaders as we extend this year's theme, 'We Rise by Lifting Others' on April 9, 2025 (4:45pm-7:00pm) at The Weingarten (1780 East IL-15) Belleville 62221.  As you sit and share a meal with other women, we will experience a heartfelt message of social emotional character leadership and courage from Dr. Jodi Patton-Jordan (SIUE, Secondary Education Program Director & Assistant Professor) to inspire us as we close out the 2024-2025 school year.  For this one-time event, spots are extremely limited. Registration closes March 28, 2025 unless tickets are sold out.
Get Tickets Free – $70.00 5 tickets left

Creating the Write Path: Strategies for Supporting Emergent Writers (K-2) (Virtual)

This virtual session is free thanks to the Illinois SLD Project. Throughout this session, K-2 educators will be equipped with essential strategies for fostering the growth and development of emergent writers in early childhood settings.  Participants will explore evidence-based approaches to nurturing writing skills, from pre-writing activities to guided writing techniques. Through interactive discussions and practical examples, attendees will gain insights into building a supportive writing environment and scaffolding instruction to meet the diverse needs of young learners throughout multiple stages of writing development.  A virtual link will be sent prior to the event date. Registration closes 4-5 days prior to the event unless tickets are sold out.
Get Tickets Free 13 tickets left

Understanding and Evaluating the Components of the FBA (Functional Behavioral Assessment) – Virtual

This free virtual session is presented on behalf of the SIU Behavior Assessment Training Project.   Many school professionals that are expected to conduct and write FBA's do not enter the field with adequate training on the topic yet are expected to lead this process - oftentimes without any collaborators. In this workshop you will explore the components of the Illinois FBA document, learn what goes in each section, and how you can collaborate with other professionals in this process. You will utilize a user-friendly tool targeted specifically for the Illinois FBA to write high quality documents which can promote positive student outcomes. This tool can also be used to review existing documents for completeness and quality.  Targeted audience: administrators, special and general educators, behavioral coaches/interventionists, special education directors/supervisors, social workers, related support personnel. Registration closes 4-5 days prior to the event date unless tickets are sold out. A link will be sent prior to April 15.
Get Tickets Free 30 tickets left

Understanding and Evaluating the Components of a BIP (Behavior Intervention Plan) Virtual

This free virtual session is presented on behalf of the SIU Behavior Assessment Training Project. Many school professionals that are expected to write and implement BIPs do not enter the field with adequate training on the topic yet are expected to lead this process - oftentimes without any collaborators. In this workshop you will explore the components of the Illinois BIP document, learn what goes in each section, and how you can collaborate with other professionals in this process. You will utilize a user-friendly tool targeted specifically for the Illinois BIP to write high quality documents which can promote positive student outcomes. This tool can also be used to review existing documents for completeness and quality. Targeted audience: administrators, special and general educators, behavioral coaches/interventionists, special education directors/supervisors, social workers, related support personnel. Registration closes 4-5 days prior to the event date unless tickets are sold out. A link will be sent prior to April 16.
Get Tickets Free 28 tickets left