Website O'Fallon District 90

11 month position (Mid July through Mid June)




1. Keyboarding skills

2. Ability to complete database, spreadsheet, and word processing tasks

3. Pleasing personality and appearance

4. Knowledge of necessary secretarial skills

5. Good command of the English Language

6. Ability to work with and in the presence of children

7. Be tactful and emotionally and physically able

8. Have basic knowledge of first aid and health room practices




1. Typing and basic computer skills

2. Maintains and distributes various reports

3. Maintains equipment , supplies, and facilities

4. Maintains positive public relations

5. Duplicating tasks

6. Makes appointments and arranges schedules

7. Assists parents and students during enrollment process

8. Maintains accurate files and records

9. Schedules use of school facilities

10.Collects and forwards various monies to proper office

11. Maintains Student Management software

12. Checks out teachers at the end of the school year

13. Sorts and distributes mail

14. Maintains and distributes equipment, supplies, materials etc

15. Assists students as necessary

16. Distributes keys to authorized personnel

17. Checks in new materials and equipment

18. Answers telephone and intercom

19. Assists in scheduling students and preparation of the master schedule

20. Assigns lockers

21. Assists principal as necessary

22. Greets and assists visitors

23. Supervises students when required

24. Administers minor first aid and assists with health room procedures when necessary as outlined in medication guidelines

25. Informs principal of events

26. Assists personnel and volunteers

27. Prepares coorespondence and publications concerning the athletic program

28. Distributes student deficiency and progress reports

29. Assists in preparing building, district and state reports

30. Prepares various parent mailings including student report cards

31. Other duties as assigned